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...With microdermabrasion, the top layer of your skin, the Stratum Corneum, is removed to a precise depth. The amount of dead cells removed are well above the live tissue layer and therefore no blood or fluid is exposed. In removing a portion of this upper layer, new living cells that are deeper in the tissue are stimulated to move faster to the surface...
...Glycolic acid peels are being medically endorsed as a viable alternative to more invasive peels for the patient who wishes to avoid discomfort and/or a recovery period. Traditional chemical peels are designed to create a controlled wounding or burning of the skin. The depth of the wound or burn is determined by how deep the physician wishes to penetrate...
...Skin is especially prone to the ill effects of the sun after electrolysis, laser or waxing. Unprotected skin is more likely to develop hyper pigmentation (freckle like spots). With so many alternatives for hair removal, it's just a matter of evaluating the options and deciding which is right for you. Summer is right around the corner, and it's best to get an early start on choosing the most appropriate method for your...
...Proper home skincare is essential. Having professional skin treatments is also very important. The two compliment each other. One cannot expect to have radiant skin by only having a monthly facial. That is only 12 treatments per year, and there are 365 days that your skin needs attention. Percentages of active ingredients for home care use are...
...Let’s face it, the reality of sun damage gets our attention when we look in the mirror. No one wants to look older than they are. At least no one I know. Excess unprotected sun exposure makes us appear to age more rapidly. Sunlight triggers free radical damage which breaks down collagen...
Find definitions of terms related to Electrolysis, Skin Care, and Hair Removal.